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Sazebníky nákladů rozhodčího řízení
Hodnota předmětu sporu | Poplatek | Paušál na správní náklady |
up to 100,000,000 CZK | 5% of the value of the subject of the dispute, but at least CZK 15,000 | 0 CZK |
up to 500,000,000 CZK | CZK 5,000,000 and 1% of the value of the subject of the dispute exceeding CZK 100,000,000 | 0 CZK |
up to 1,000,000,000 CZK | CZK 9,000,000 and 0.5% of the value of the subject of the dispute exceeding CZK 500,000,000 | 0 CZK |
over 1,000,000,000 CZK | CZK 11,500,000 and 0.25% of the value of the subject of the dispute exceeding CZK 1,000,000,000 | 0 CZK |
Hodnota předmětu sporu | Poplatek | Paušál na správní náklady |
up to 50,000,000 CZK | 552,000 CZK | |
up to 100,000,000 CZK | 768,000 CZK | |
up to 250,000,000 CZK | 876,000 CZK | |
up to 500,000,000 CZK | 984,000 CZK | |
over 500,000,000 CZK | 1,200,000 CZK | |
up to 40,000,000 CZK | 486,000 CZK | |
up to 30,000,000 CZK | 420,000 CZK | |
up to 20,000,000 CZK | 354,000 CZK | |
up to 10,000,000 CZK | 288,000 CZK | |
up to 7,000,000 CZK | 228,000 CZK | |
up to 5,000,000 CZK | 168,000 CZK | |
up to 3,000,000 CZK | 108,000 CZK | |
up to 1,000,000 CZK | 48,000 CZK | |
up to 500,000 CZK | 32,400 CZK | |
up to 400,000 CZK | 27,600 CZK | |
up to 300,000 CZK | 21,600 CZK | |
up to 200,000 CZK | 15,600 CZK | |
up to 100,000 CZK | 6,000 CZK |
Výše poplatku | Minimálně | Maximálně |
Arbitration fee 3 % from the value in dispute (sub. Section 18 of the Rules). | 7,000 CZK | 1,000,000 CZK |
For disputes arising from leases affected by emergency measures declared by state authorities in the Czech Republic, the fee is 3% of the value of the subject of the dispute (sub. 18 of the Rules), which is calculated from the amount corresponding to the current 6-month lease, or its aliquot amounts for a period of 6 months. | 7,000 CZK | 80,000 CZK |
Arbitration fee 3 % from the value in dispute (sub. Section 18 of the Rules), however at least 800,- CZK. |
If the proceedings are held and the decision is made in a language other than Czech (Slovak), the fee is increased by an additional CZK 2,000. |
The tarrifs can be found at |
Doporučená znění rozhodčích doložek do smluv
Kdy se lze obrátit na Rozhodčí soud?
Jakou výhodu má řízení před Rozhodčím soudem oproti řízení před soudem státním?
Musí být rozhodčí doložka sjednána písemně?
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